- Programs
- Programs
- Associated Student Body (ASB)
- Dual Immersion/Two Way Immersion (TWIS)
- Exploratory Wheel
- Graphic Arts
- Industrial Arts and Technology
- Music
- Musical Theater
- Peer Assistance Leadership (PAL)
- Resource
- Spanish 1
- STEAM (CTE, Robotics, Oceanography)
- Structured Teaching Educating Prepared Students (STEPS)
- Support Programs (Reading Strategies, Math Strategies)
- Video Production
- Yearbook
Industrial Arts and Technology
ExplorQtrWheel 6th
Industrial Arts 7th
Industrial Technology 8th
Mr. Morgan, Room 305
Class Description
The class will consist of three units: The first unit will be the proper use and safety issues when working with hand tools, machines in our shop, and shop practices. During this unit, students will take notes in their journal while watching videos/power points and observing/questioning through demonstrations. A safety quiz will be given for each machine. Quizzes will also be given to assess the knowledge of hand tools. A safety test will be given at the end of this unit for shop practices. The second unit will be devoted to learning about materials used in wood working and metal working (lumber, metals, fasteners, adhesives, & paint/stain finishes). The third unit is going to be designing and building projects.
Content Standards
Demonstrate competence in planning, design, layout, and technical drawing interpretation for practical use. Interpret and apply information to develop a bill of materials, estimate the cost of materials, and develop a plan of procedures to complete a project. Demonstrate proper selection and use of woodworking tools. Demonstrate competence in various construction processes. Understand finishes and know how to apply paint, stains, sealers, varnishes, including water- and oil-based finishes.
Tecnología Industrial 6 grado
Después de completar una unidad integral de uso de herramientas y seguridad, los estudiantes explorarán el ensamblaje y el trabajo en metal mientras construyen un proyecto que incorpore esas disciplinas. Los estudiantes tienen acceso a una amplia gama de herramientas y equipos de taller durante el curso.
Tecnología de madera 7/8 grado
Este curso ha sido desarrollado para atender al estudiante que busca mayores desafíos en los campos de la tecnología, el uso de herramientas y el diseño. Siguiendo una herramienta integral y una unidad de seguridad general, los estudiantes tienen la libertad de tomar sus propias decisiones de diseño a medida que crean proyectos de madera utilizando casi todas las herramientas manuales y eléctricas del taller.