Recycling For Our School And Our Planet
Recycling For Our School And Our Planet![]()
Recycling For Our School And Our Planet
The Green Team is proud to make a difference at Marco Forster. We work very hard to encourage respect for each other, for our community, and for our environment. We are a team of dedicated students and staff who recognize the importance of recycling and strive to instill this in our fellow Roadrunners. Members of the team include Ms Kilpatrick's and Mrs. Woolley's STEPS program and her incredible instructional aides. Together we promote environmentalism and make weekly collections of recyclables from the campus. Taking on this leadership role not only fosters a sense of belonging and teamwork among the students on the team, it also fosters acceptance and understanding among their peers. Our campus has enthusiastically supported the project, and each week The Green Team collects increasingly more recyclables.
When The Green Team first started their recycling project in the 2007/2008 school year, they collected only paper products from the classrooms and offices. Now they are making weekly collections of all recyclable paper, newspapers, plastic bottles, and aluminum cans, and turning it in to raise money for supplies for the school. It is so exciting to see the positive impact The Green Team has had on the campus and even more exciting to see how the entire Marco Forster community has come together to support the team and to protect our planet.
If you would like to help The Green Team, please save your plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and newspapers and turn them in on our monthly collection dates. All money generated on campus from recycling goes back to the school. It's an easy way to help make a difference!
Why Recycle?
Plastic Bottles:
•2.5 million plastic water bottles are thrown away every hour in the U.S. It will take 700 years before they begin to decompose in a landfill. Recycling 14, 20-oz clear plastic bottles can make 1 extra large T-shirt.
•It takes over 1.5 million barrels of oil to manufacture a one year supply of bottled water, enough to fuel 100,000 cars.
Aluminum Cans:
• When recycled, will be put back on the shelf as something useful in 90 days. If tossed into the trash, will remain in a landfill for 80-100 years.
• Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to watch more than 2 ½ hours of TV.
• The United States makes up just 6% of the world’s population but produces 40% of its waste.
• All of America produces enough waste to fill the Superdome once every two days.
• The average American will leave behind 112,420 pounds of trash for their children.
An Inconvenient Truth, by Al Gore
The Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming, by Laurie David and Cambria Gordon